Ian Liddicoat’s Vision of AI in Advertising: A Glimpse into the Present
Jun 20, 2024

In September of last year, Ian Liddicoat, Chief Technology Officer and Head of Data Science at Adludio shared a bold vision for the future of digital advertising. He predicted that AI would revolutionize the industry by shifting the focus from traditional media metrics to creative intelligence, fundamentally changing how campaigns are designed, delivered, and optimized. Less than a year later, we are already witnessing his predictions come to life, reshaping the landscape of digital advertising in profound ways.

The Decline of Traditional Metrics

Liddicoat highlighted the diminishing value of traditional media metrics like first-click, last-click, and viewability, especially in light of the impending deprecation of third-party cookies. This shift is evident as advertisers increasingly prioritize user engagement and attention metrics over outdated click-based measures. The industry is moving toward understanding the deeper contributions of creative elements to engagement and ultimately to conversions.

A recent study by Nielsen confirms this trend, showing that advertisers who focus on creative quality see a significant uplift in ad recall and brand recognition. The study suggests that creative execution now accounts for 47% of the impact on sales, outpacing other factors such as targeting and reach.

The Emergence of Creative Intelligence

Liddicoat’s concept of “creative intelligence” is rapidly becoming a reality. AI-driven tools are now capable of analyzing vast amounts of data to determine which combinations of creative elements—such as logos, text, colors, and calls to action—are most effective. This analysis allows advertisers to assemble digital ads in real-time from extensive repositories of creative assets, tailored to engage specific audience segments.

For instance, companies like Persado are using AI to generate and optimize ad copy, achieving up to 41% more engagement compared to human-written copy. This demonstrates the power of AI in enhancing creative effectiveness through data-driven insights.

AI’s Role in Campaign Design and Delivery

Liddicoat foresaw AI playing a critical role in campaign design and delivery, a prediction that is now evident in the industry. Large Language Models (LLMs) and generative AI techniques are revolutionizing how campaigns are crafted. These technologies were prominently featured at the 2023 Cannes Lions Festival, underlining their growing influence in creative fields.

For example, AdSapiens has been used by brands to create personalized ad experiences, dynamically adjusting content based on user interactions and preferences. This real-time customization leads to more relevant and engaging ads, driving better business outcomes.

Bridging the Creative Gap with AI

The ability of AI to bridge the gap between creative insights and campaign performance is transforming digital advertising. AI technologies such as computer vision and deep learning are being employed to understand how specific creative elements capture attention and drive engagement. These insights are then linked to broader metrics like brand awareness and uplift.

Platforms like VidMob utilize AI to analyze video ad performance at a granular level, providing actionable insights on which visual and auditory elements resonate most with audiences. This allows for continuous optimization and improvement of ad creatives, aligning perfectly with Liddicoat’s vision of a data-driven creative intelligence ecosystem.

The Future of Digital Advertising

Liddicoat’s assertion that AI will be the principal driver of creativity in digital advertising is becoming increasingly apparent. Traditional creative agencies are beginning to recognize the need to invest in data science and engineering capabilities to stay competitive. The integration of AI into the creative process not only enhances the effectiveness of ad campaigns but also opens up new opportunities for innovation.

As AI continues to evolve, we can expect even more sophisticated tools that enable highly customized, real-time ad creation. This will further narrow the gap between creative insight and campaign performance, making creative intelligence as integral to advertisers as their core brand values.


Ian Liddicoat’s insights into the future of digital advertising have proven to be remarkably prescient. The shift towards creative intelligence driven by AI is not just a theoretical concept but a tangible reality that is reshaping the industry. As AI technologies continue to advance, the potential for more effective, personalized, and engaging advertising is limitless, heralding a new era of creativity and innovation.

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  1. Nielsen. (2017). Five Keys To Advertising Effectiveness.
  2. Persado. (2023). Source.
  3. AdSapiens. (2024). Source.
  4. VidMob. (2024). Source.

Original article (2023) Source.